JARITA : Journal of Children’s Education and Learning Research https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR <p>JARITA : Journal of Children’s Education and Learning Research adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh STAH Dharma Sentana Sulawesi Tengah yang membahas artikel hasil penelitian dan kajian yang berkaitan dengan Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini. Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran pada anak usia dini memiliki pendekatan yang sangat berbeda dengan model pendidikan pada umumnya sehingga&nbsp; membutuhkan banyak kajian dan riset untuk pengembangan dalam hal yang terkait dengan pembelajaran berkelanjutan.&nbsp;Secara khusus JARITA : Journal of Children’s Education and Learning Research merupakan jurnal yang berafiliasi dengan prodi PGAUD STAH Dharma Sentana Sulawesi Tengah yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan april dan oktober.&nbsp;</p> en-US niwayansrirahayu@gmail.com (Ni Wayan Sri Rahayu, S.Ag., S.S., M.Ag.) murniasihniputu89@gmail.com (Ni Putu Murniasi S, S.Pd., M.Pd.) Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:42:34 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT IN BERINGIN JAYA KINDERGARTEN IN THE FRAMEWORK OF IMPROVING COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT EARLY CHILDREN https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/524 <p>Early childhood is a nation's asset that needs to be given more attention in terms of education. In order to develop optimally, it is necessary to be trained by participating in both formal and informal education. Beringin Jaya Kindergarten provides services on formal channels that can be followed by children aged 4-6 years who have very different thinking abilities. Thinking abilities or also called cognitive abilities in children occur through different sequences which will later help explain the way children think, store information and adapt to their environment. Cognitive abilities can be realized by educational management based on four basic principles, namely planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. Planning is carried out by managing the administration, starting from paying school registration fees, determining student savings, uniform payments, and monthly payments. Organizing human resources in learning activities between teachers is done by dividing teachers into two classes. The implementation of learning in Beringin Jaya Kindergarten focuses on increasing children's cognitive development. Efforts to improve children's cognitive abilities is by playing. Supervision at Beringin Jaya Kindergarten consists of kindergarten supervisors, school principals, teachers, and parents of students. Teachers cannot be complete supervisors, because children's development depends on the education of parents at home.</p> Ni Kadek Vindi Wedhawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/524 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:44:29 +0000 TRADITIONAL GAME OF JUMPING ROPE IN DEVELOPING GROSS MOTOR SKILLS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/527 <p>The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the lack of application of traditional game concepts to develop children's gross motor skills in the learning process. The research method uses a descriptive qualitative method. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles and Huberman model, namely data reduction, data presentation, data verification and trust test using data triangulation. The results of this study are that the concept of gross motor development in the learning system at Kindergarten Melati II Telanaipura can be said to be good, due to the assistance of the habituation activity method carried out by the teacher. The concept of applying traditional games in developing gross motor skills at Kindergarten Melati II Telanaipura can also be said to be optimal with the help of teachers and directions from teachers. Although there are inhibiting factors in carrying out the jump rope game, namely from the environment and parents.</p> Reyzah Megawati, Zawaqi Afdal Jamil, Jamilah Jamilah ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/527 Thu, 26 Oct 2023 07:50:27 +0000 IMPROVING CHILDREN’S LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT THOUGH IMAGE MEDIA IN 21 ST CENTURY LEARNING IN TK NEGERI MODEL TERPADU MADANI PALU https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/628 <p>Based on the results of observations of the problems found in the field, children's language development is still lacking due to the ineffective use of media in learning. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to improve children's language development and how the obstacles faced by teachers improve children's language development through the media of images in 21st century learning in the Madani Integrated Model Public Kindergarten in Palu. The research aims to describe how to improve children's language development and the obstacles faced by teachers in improving children's language development through the media of images in 21st century learning in the Integrated Madani Model Public Kindergarten in Palu. Research using descriptive qualitative. The results of the research are first, finding ways to improve children's language development through the media of images in 21st century learning. Ways to improve children's language development are repeated learning, learning while conversing about the pictures shown, inviting them to interact while looking at the pictures and telling stories about what shown learning while playing. The two obstacles faced by the teacher are: 1) Facilities and infrastructure, 2) the character of the children is different, 3) the children are silent when asked by the teacher, and 4) there are also children who are too engrossed to want to continue playing, telling stories and disturbing their friends while studying.</p> Ni Putu Anitasari, Ni Gusti Ayu Putu Ermayanti, Putu Dyantari ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/628 Mon, 06 Nov 2023 01:47:45 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY CHILDREN'S LANGUAGE ABILITY THROUGH CHAIN WHISPER PLAY METHOD AT KASIH BANGSA PALU KINDERGARTEN https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/630 <p>Language skills are a very important aspect in early childhood development. Language skills are a means for thinking, a means for listening, a means for speaking and a means for children to be able to read and write. It is on this basis that this research was carried out with the problem of how to develop early childhood language skills through the chain whisper play method and what are the advantages and disadvantages of developing language skills through the chain whisper play method. This research aims to describe the development of early childhood language skills through the chain whisper play method. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that developing language skills can be done by introducing game steps according to the learning theme. Meanwhile, the disadvantage of the chain whispering method in efforts to develop early childhood language is that it creates a noisy classroom atmosphere, secondly, it requires quite a long time.</p> Nurliyana Rumandjo, Putu Dyantari, Gusti Ngurah Putra ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/630 Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:12:30 +0000 APPLICATION OF HABITUATION METHODS TO ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS LEARNING IN DEVELOPING RELIGIOUS AND MORAL VALUES IN EARLY CHILDREN https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/544 <p>The habituation method is an activity that is carried out continuously so that it becomes a habit. The purpose of this study was to find out how the efforts of teachers in developing religious and moral values ​​of early childhood through the application of the habituation method. This research method uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is done by observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis used data reduction, data presentation, data verification and trust test using data triangulation. The results of the study show that the teacher's efforts in developing the development of religious and moral values ​​in children through the habituation method are as follows: routinely guiding prayer activities before and after carrying out daily activities, Duha prayer, polite speech to familiarize noble behavior, exemplary, maintain personal and environmental hygiene, and programmatically memorize short letters and daily prayers. the conclusion that these activities are a form of habituation can be applied to early childhood in developing religious and moral values.</p> Normilah Normilah, Mahmud MY, Musli Musli ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://jurnal.dharmasentana.ac.id/JELR/article/view/544 Mon, 06 Nov 2023 02:30:24 +0000