Focus and Scope


Jurnal Pariwisata PaRAMA  meliputi Karya tulis ilmiah yang menyangkut Panorama, Rekreasi, Akomodasi, Cendramata, akses pariwisata, Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepariwisataan, Hotel, Restoran dan Katering, Sejarah Seni dan Budaya, MICE, Tour dan Travel, Bina Wisata Nusantara


Adinistration of Tourism

Geography  of Tourism

Economy of Tourism

Sociology of Tourism

Anthropology of Tourism

Cross Cultural Tourism

Management of Destinations and Tourist Attractions

Planning and Development of Destinations and Tourist Attractions

Tourism Development Financing

Rural Tourism


Tourism Village

Spiritual / Pilgrims tourism

Urban Tourism


Work Safety

Public Relations, Marketing, Digital Technology and Tourism

Tourism Policy, Law and Politics

Tourism Security and Convenience

Mass Tourism and Alternative Tourism

Impact / Implication of Tourism

Adventure Tourism

 In addition to the topics that have been detailed do not close the opportunity for other seed topics about tourism destination more broadly.